Information Graphics!

As part of my application to Leeds College of Art i had to design a series of 6 images depicting something which is ‘making the world a better place’. I decided to use Information Graphics to easily educate the viewer on how Solar Panels work and show how they benefit the world. I was offered […]


  At the opening of my Final Major show exhibition i sold my main piece for £100. I didn’t think i would and hadn’t prepared a price. I have later been advised that the price i gave was too low but i learnt a valuable lesson about being prepared and thinking about all the details! […]

Subliminal Messages – FMP!

For my Final Major Project i decided to study subliminal messages in the media, how the work and who there aimed at. I looked closely at Optical Illusions, Colour Theory, Typography, Advertising, Mass Brainwashing and Gestalt Theory. I wanted my work to be transferable through different media and found that Optical Illusions were very on […]

Galleries & Exhibitions!

Ive always enjoyed gaining inspiration from galleries, during my foundation i visited Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester Buy Art Fair, Manchester Craft and Design Centre, Liverpool Tate and Londons Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising! All were major influences especially the last two while working on my FMP which was biased around Subliminal Messages.


I enjoyed researching different photographers from Street Photography to Full Studio Photography. I especially loved Diane Arbus’ alternate subjects, Matt Stuart’s humours street style and the fashion scenes of Annie Leibovitz! Diane Arbus Matt Stuart Annie Leibovitz


 A portraiture brief led me to photograph my sister, the aim was to display the models personality through the photo. As my sister is a full time mother of two and pregnant with a third, i decided i could show everything about her though just her stomach and hands. I also photographed my friend, she […]

Photography – Photograms!

Photography has always been something I’ve been interested in & after a brief go at it in college i chose to take it up properly. I started with photograms and developed onto different dark room techniques such as sepia toning. I also studied digital photography, in the studio and documentary photography. These are simple photograms, […]

Surface Design!

Studying Fashion at college gave me a good starting point with Surface Design. I had to design a range of samples with a theme of structure. I chose to combine print & construction with the structure of the Antoni Gaudi’s Mosaic’s across the city of Barcelona. I took inspiration from when i travelled there for […]