Summer Exhibitions!


This summer i visited London on several occassions to engage in the culture and art scene. I visited the Korean Eye Exhibition at The Saatchi Gallery, The Nine eyes of Google Street Veiw by Jon Rafman was especially intriguing to me. Although non of the photography is his own i really got his concept and found it really provoked emotion. 

I also visited the Tate Modern, Specifically the Damien Hirst exhibition. I had watched documentaries on this exhibition and was already familiar with his work, i knew that it was very conceptual yet once i was there i expected to feel some connection or greater understanding yet my appreciation for his work only decreased. Although conceptual art is one of my favourites i felt the concepts didn’t translate very well without the written description even then i felt very underwhelmed. 

Contrast to this i visited the V&A, i have visited before and never managed to get around it all, the place is huge. The Victoria and Albert museum celebrates many different things, with areas designated to continents and cultures, historical and contemporary. They show a few different exhibitions at a time and as i was interested in all of them and future exhibitions i decided to pay for a membership. The exhibitions i have visited so far include Ballgowns British Glamour since 1950, this appealed to my fashion background and showcased some of the best, artistic, well made gowns. I also visited other exhibitions in the British Design season at the V&A.

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