David Carson!

I have been studying Graphic Communication for just 7 months now and very few lessons on my foundation and David Carson’s name has cropped up many times. Im not sure whether this is due to his popularity, he does seem a cool guy – at one point in his career he ranked 9th best surfer in the world, or maybe its his influence – once described as the most influential graphic designer of the 1990’s or maybe he just produces memorable, original (as can be), fresh, beautiful design.

David Carson started out as a sociology teacher while persuing his professional surfing career, but it wasn’t until 1983 for him to experiment with graphic design. He took a two week course before enrolling onto a graphics course at Oregon College of Commercial Art, during his studies he attended a workshop taught by Hans-Rudolf Lutz who became one of his biggest influences.



Over they years Carson has been the art & creative director at a few magazines mainly in the extream sport industry. In 1984 until 1988 he was the art director of Transworld Skateboarding and its spin off magazine Transworld Sowboading. He also worked on the quartily annual style magazine Beach Culture and a stint at HOW but it was Ray Gun in which Carson really made his name. Ray Gun was an alternitive music lifestyle magazine which debuted in 1992. By this time he had developed his own style using dirty type and style and non mainstream photographic techniques. He had also shown much intrest in the theory of Legibility, I once heard he thought the reader should have to work a little bit to understand good design not have everything on a plate for them. He very famously conveyed a whole interview with Bryan Ferry in the illegible font Dingbat due to him feeling it was that boring. The interview was shown in full legibility at the back of the magazine.


David Carson now owns his own studio, David Carson Design in New York City where his client list is piling up… British Airways, Sony, Toyota, Lycra, Warner Bros!



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