I really enjoyed my lecture on design hero’s mainly who have worked with music artists on albums and posters etc. As I am currently working on a brief to create a CD 10×10 album cover and extras I found it very useful research. It was inspiring to see how existing artists have developed styles fitting to the band yet keeping there own style. One who stood out for me was SOME an Art Director, who worked for ED BANGER records on all of they’re bands and has even recorded with some. The Parisian’s background is in illustration and I think this is evident in his work. This certainly doesn’t take anything away for his graphic work, looking at this vynal sleeve it could quite easily be all over the place yet it has great composition, the visual hierarchy works as it feels comfortable on the eye even being such a busy visual. It includes illustrations of the band members surrounded by various vinacular typography.


He has worked on many music videos for DJ Mehdi, Kanye West, Kid Cudi, Justice, and MGMT. Kanye West was so annoyed at loosing out on best video to Justice in 2006 that he stormed on stage, later he demanded the creator of the video make one for himself, that person was SOME.


He grew up around the bellepack movement in Paris before world war 1 which developed the culture of the city greatly, this influenced his work. He hasn’t limited himself to the ED BANGER agency, he has shown a collection of posters in a gallery in Toronto. He completed the whole collection in 10 hours after examining the space first. The fact he was even showing in this manor used to be unusual for graphics based work yet is becoming more acceptable. He is also the main director of the clothing company CoolCats showing his work can work through different media, I have seen online his designs have been applied to bottles and bags too.


Vinacular – local voice/dialect…New word.

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