Tim Allen!

Tim Allen is an English, stop motion animator. Not to be confused with the American Comedy Actor! Animation wasn’t always in his sights, he hadn’t even heard about it until attending an open day, when the lady called for the Animation course he thought to himself, I can do that. He attended the University of […]


I really enjoyed my lecture on design hero’s mainly who have worked with music artists on albums and posters etc. As I am currently working on a brief to create a CD 10×10 album cover and extras I found it very useful research. It was inspiring to see how existing artists have developed styles fitting […]

Peter Chung!

Peter Chung is a Korean animator who attended California school of the arts in the 90’s? Upon leaving there wasn’t a wide variety of jobs or at least styles of jobs, they mainly surrounded Disney or children’s animation there hadn’t been much animation for a different target audience. One of his first jobs was on […]

Erik Spiekermann! – Information Design.

The 7 Key principles of Information Design which should be considered when thinking about information design or any design for that matter are: Grouping information – Lines/Space/Type. Consistency – Language/Layout. Typography – Audience/Message/legibility. Grid Structure – Clear/Consistent/Navigation. Graphic Elements – Bullet Points/Icons/Lines/Rules. Spacing – Alignment/Consistency/White Space. Visual Hierachy – Type Size & Weight/Colour/Lines/Space. Erik Spiekermann […]

Stefan Sagmeister!

 I came across Stefan Sagmeister during my foundation degree work, i wanted to explore typographers who use unusual materials to create type. Segmeister has experimented with this theory mainly in his ‘experimental year’ in which he produced the work ‘Things i have learned in my life so far’ which on his joint website sagmeisterwalsh.com is […]

David Carson!

I have been studying Graphic Communication for just 7 months now and very few lessons on my foundation and David Carson’s name has cropped up many times. Im not sure whether this is due to his popularity, he does seem a cool guy – at one point in his career he ranked 9th best surfer […]